Herne Data Systems Ltd.
User Feedback Survey

We value your feedback. Please fill out this questionnaire. All information will be kept confidential.

Tell us about yourself:
Your name:



1) Are you currently a REGISTERED user for any of our products?
Yes No

2) If yes, which ones:
MAXI Form MAXI Disk FreeForm Utility_Belt OverLAZ HP
OverLAZ PS NPS (DOS) NPS (Windows)

3) Have you ever EVALUATED any of our products, but not registered?
Yes No

4) If yes, which ones:
MAXI Form MAXI Disk FreeForm Utility_Belt OverLAZ HP
OverLAZ PS NPS (DOS) NPS (Windows)
5) If yes, what stopped you from registering?

Tell us about us:

6) Would you recommend any of our products to your friends?
Yes No

7) If yes, which ones:
MAXI Form MAXI Disk FreeForm Utility_Belt OverLAZ HP
OverLAZ PS NPS (DOS) NPS (Windows)

8) Any other comments about our products or this website?

9) Would you like additional information about any of our products?
Yes No

10) If yes, which ones:
MAXI Form MAXI Disk FreeForm Utility_Belt OverLAZ HP
OverLAZ PS NPS (DOS) NPS (Windows)

Thank you for responding to this questionnaire.

Herne Data Menu

(This page last updated 2000-Apr-18.)

Comments and questions can be directed to us via e-mail at herne@herne.com.